Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Organizing Your Crafts

Oh WOW! I can't believe I've lived with my craft items jammed into buckets for so long! I couldn't even take a picture of how they looked before; I am too ashamed! Here's how the buckets looked, and you can picture them all stacked on top of each other haphazardly in the closet:
I decided to clean and organize them all. So now they're in different containers:

1. Fabric scraps- This I organized by fabric, rolled them into long rolls, and used clear elastic rubber bands to secure them. It worked really nice. I can sort through the fabric easily, and more importantly, I can see what I have!!
2. Fabric paints- I used one of Killian's shoe boxes to store these. It works great! The shoe box is small enough that it actually fit into another container that wasn't completely full!
3. Felt Scraps- I use these for various crafts. I took out any small pieces and kept only the big ones.
4. Cross Stitching- I stuck all of the embroidery floss into a bag. This will be helpful, because I often use embroidery floss for my clothes as well.
5. Old Clothes- Instead of throwing stained or ripped beyond repair clothes away, I kept putting them in a pile. Now they're in their own bin. :)
6. Clothes for Up-Cycling- these are cute things that I've found that I KNOW I want to work with- or already have an idea for. These too now have a space.
7. Extras- Another little shoe box worked well as a catch all- Sewing Scissors, Bag of buttons, bag of thread, etc.

Now it's all stacked nicely and I know EXACTLY where everything goes. It took me about 45 min. to organize it all- and it was well worth it.

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