Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2012

Homemade Laudry Soap

Happy Friday!! This Friday Fun day is about homemade laundry soap. Here are the great reasons to make your own soap:
1. Your child has sensitive skin. It's amazing how many children have sensitive skin
2. You are sick of paying so much for detergent that's environmentally friendly and has not chemicals in it
3. You have 15 extra minuets on your hands (because that's all it takes)

Alright.. to make this, you need to buy 3 ingredients :

Borax (can be found at Target)
 Fels - Naptha (walmart carries this) You need 2 bars of this
 Washing SODA. (target also carries this)
Alright.. here's the recipe:

2 cups Fels Naptha Soap (finely grated)
1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup Borax
  • Mix well and store in an airtight plastic container.
  • Use 2 tablespoons per full load.
I've found that 2 cups Fels Naptha is about 1.5 bars. You can save the other half of the bar for another batch.. or you can use it as a stain remover. It's AMAZING. It gets out every kind of stain imaginable. You just scrub it on the stain.
This recipe costs you .01 per load!! Seriously. And you'll probably make one batch every 4-6 months depending on your family size.

I love it, it's super easy, eco-friendly, sensitive-skin friendly, and budget friendly.