Wednesday, January 25, 2012

February's Preschool Curriculum!!

It's here! Well sort of... half of it's here. I have the first two weeks of February's Curriculum done.. AND it's free this month!!!

Try it out and see if you like it! It's FULL of ideas and print-outs to try. There is work that goes into it, but if you're serious about educating your preschooler at home, it's work. :)

Please let me know anything you'd like changed- formatting wise.

I'm also adding assessment pieces- Assess your child so you know which activities to really do, and which you could skip if you run out of time.


I decided to put my curriculum on my etsy shop. 
I couldn't add a PDF to blogspot :( My curriculum is .20 on etsy- still super cheap! :)

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