Thursday, January 26, 2012

Winter Art- Fun with Toddlers

I'm a little late with my Thursday posting, and I apologize! I'll have Friday's toss-up post up at 8 am (It's going to be a yummy recipe!)

But here's Thursday's post: Winter Art

If you live anywhere where there's snow on the ground, getting outside to play can be tedious. Getting on all the snowpants, boots, hats and mittens. However, here's something that's fun to do once you get out there!

Make art in the snow! Take an empty spray bottle (you can buy one at the dollar tree if you don't have one handy), put in water and food coloring. It's lots of fun if you have 4 or more different spray bottles with 4 or more colors. If you go this route- go with the primary colors (blue, yellow and red). Then let your boy or girl discover how to mix colors to get new colors!!

You spray the snow with the colored water and TA-DA! Winter art! Older children can actually try and create something in the snow or even write their names. Younger children might just like to color the snow. :)

Once they're finished coloring, play games with the colored snow. Hop/jump from patch to patch of colored snow. Make a snowman using the colored snow. Throw a ball or bean bag at the patches and try to hit it. You could create a baseball diamond with the colored water and play baseball- the colored snow is the different bases.

Have fun outside and enjoy the snow!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea!!!! We did something similar with foaming soap in the bathtub last week, which the boys really enjoyed:-) This can be a reward for going outside in negative temperatures!
