Monday, February 6, 2012

An Outfit for a princess

I recently babysat for a friends ADORABLE 7 month old, and I got baby girl fever... which I haven't had since I was pregnant and didn't know what sex I was having (can you say 4 years ago?) Anyway... I was out shopping at my favorite goodwill store, and I ran across these pieces of clothing:

I picked up this cute shirt to go under the whole outfit. I was originally going to cut off the arms and sew them into the yellow onesie, but this shirt is too cute.. so I left it. 

SOOOO adorable.. and all name brand! But I wanted to make it a little more personal. So here's what I did:

I drew a design to match the vest on some freezer paper:

 Then I used my handy dandy x-acto knife and cut the design out:
 I ironed the design to the pants:
 Using fabric paint, I painted the design on. After it'd dried, I added some white as an accent:
 And it was complete!
 I think the outfit is super adorable! I can't wait to see it on :)

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